Training for Software Developers

An early proponent of the Coding Dojo, Emily has over 15 years experience designing engaging, interactive training for developers. There is always a hands-on element, drawing from a large repertoire of exercises built up over many years.

Emily also delivers public training for Pluralsight, O’Reilly and The Samman Society.

Upcoming Public Training

Upcoming trainings are listed on the Events Page.

In-house training

You can also book Emily for custom in-house training for your company. Typical topics:

The focus is on practical, relevant skills your developers can start to use straight away. Training can be delivered remotely in short effective sessions or in-person for a more intense experience.

All Bache Consulting training materials are released with a CC BY-SA license. We believe this is the best possible deal for us and our clients. You are hiring an expert with experience who will draw on proven training materials from many sources.

For more information please contact us.